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Being Thankful in 2020

Tracy Parkinson

When we began 2020, nobody expected the year we have experienced, and sadly, we are not done. With the COVID numbers on an uptick, we are entering the holidays with very different plans for celebration. As it draws closer, we can’t help but become a little emotional. Gatherings will be smaller and those we wish to celebrate with may be staying at home.

We crave being together as one big family; parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandchildren and good friends. We are missing the warmth of a hug, the comfort of someone holding our hand, stories of the past year and a traditional family meal. We can mourn this past year or look at reasons to be thankful.

Throughout this year, we have worked with wonderful clients during unconventional times. Our goal has always been to bring a sense of happiness and joy to their space. With a solid design, a splash of color, beautiful furniture and added accessories, they have had a new perspective on their work or living space.

Looking back on our projects from 2020, it has given us a chance to reflect on how grateful we are to have been a part of that design process. Here are some simple things we have been thankful for this year.

  • We are grateful that our clients welcomed us into their home, mask and all.

  • We are thankful that they hired us to do what we love, transforming a space into pure enjoyment.

  • We are humbled to be growing during this time, giving us the opportunity to make more customers and clients happy.

  • We are thankful for our team, who collaborates and shares ideas in the best interest of our clients.

Leading into the holidays, we reflect on the things that matter the most, the love of our family and friends, a place to call home, and all those who have been a part of our “nest”.


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